Spiritual Coaching
Lorri is available for spiritual awakening coaching/mentoring by phone, Skype or Zoom, based on the principles of A Course in Miracles. Click here to contact Lorri for a free 30-minute initial consultation.
She has over 40 years of experience as a psychotherapist and is known for her ability to zero in on problems quickly, and giving clear, constructive feedback. She encourages you to work between sessions with suggested assignments, which speeds your progress and fosters your reliance on your own Inner Voice.
The Holy Spirit within you, which is your Higher Self or your Inner Voice, is the best therapist. Sometimes this Voice will guide you to seek help from an objective third party such as a coach, mentor or therapist.
Spiritual coaching is for people who have issues that need a spiritual perspective. Spiritual awakening coaching/mentoring is for those who are guided to release the ego completely so they can awaken from the dream. This is not about improving their life, but waking up from what they think is their life. Spiritual coaching and mentoring is not for those who have longer-term problems that are best dealt with in psychotherapy. Lorri uses a powerful technique called EMDR, which has much research proving its effectiveness.
If you are experiencing grief over the death of a loved one, Lorri can help you connect with that person and establish ongoing communication. You are never apart from your loved one, even if the body has dropped! You are in constant communication with your beloveds, even when you're not aware of it. Fear and guilt keep us from being aware of oneness. Lorri is not a psychic medium who contacts the deceased, rather, she helps you develop your own connections.
When we experience tragedy, we often lose our faith. You can restore your faith when you experience your personal connection with Spirit. Often we don't really trust the religious beliefs we've been taught, but deep within we have a sense of our own personal bond with Spirit. Lorri helps you find yours.
Your particular needs are met as Lorri asks the Holy Spirit for guidance for your highest good.
If you feel led to seek assistance through Lorri, please Click Here.
I work with students of A Course in Miracles and other spiritual paths who want to completely drop ego identification and live as the higher Self. EMDR speeds up the process, and bringing in the Holy Spirit speeds it up even more. Here is what clients say:
“I can’t tell you how light and well I feel after our last session. I feel like I did a whole year of healing in one session.” ~Arnie Leal
"My work with Lorri has taken me to deeper and more soul-shifting places within than I have ever accessed before. I have been doing healing work with dozens of practitioners for over a decade, and her work is some of the most powerful and pure that I have ever experienced. Her attention to subtle details while staying focused on the purpose of seeing the wholeness beyond and within any specific fragment is a real gift. This ability and the love that she infuses every session with lift her to a level that few healers I know of have achieved. Her work is a gift to the world, and has been an amazing gift to me. I really love this woman! Thank you, Lorri!" ~Barret Hedeen, author of Questions for J - And the Love that He Gave Me; workshop and retreat leader for A Course in Miracles; creator of Witness Energy Healing
"Recently I fell into a fearful spiritual funk and sought the guidance of Lorri Coburn to assist me in finding my way back to the light. In two sessions Lorri was able to rapidly help me find release from a long-standing false belief in guilt. The release I felt was stunning. I felt catapulted from the funk I was in. And that was followed by a shower of liberating insights that lasted for weeks. Lorri, in my opinion, is an outstanding master spiritual guide and coach. I certainly can recommend her without hesitation to anyone seeking spiritual guidance and coaching, especially coaching with a basis in A Course in Miracles." ~Jim D. Minnesota
"Lorri Coburn is an excellent spiritual healer. Her training, her awareness and her insights can move mountains. I have had the pleasure of working with Lorri both individually and with my partner. She is equally discerning with individual and relationship issues, and navigates them with aplomb. As a result of working with Lorri Coburn, I feel I have shed numerous issues that have been holding me back in life. I also feel that the relationship with my partner, though going through sometimes rocky times, is getting stronger, and we are able to see the other person's perspectives and heal some of the common issues that plague many relationships. Thank you, Lorri, from the bottom of my heart." ~E.S., MBA, Life Coach, Consultant, Speaker, Author; Chicago
Through my work with you my consciousness is shifting to see myself outside myself. Your every vibration communicates your will to help the realization of my True Self. We did not bring each other together, Spirit did. Your gift is to shift consciousness. Thank you." ~R.S., New York
"In just a few hours, Lorri illuminated an issue I have struggled with for over two years. Her techniques to release my stuck emotions have moved me into understanding and forgiveness--giving me back my energy and my true, happy self!" ~A.G., Ann Arbor, MI
"I came to Lorri after surgery for breast cancer, disillusioned, despairing and not believing God was on my side. Now I feel free, hopeful and unafraid. Instead of dreading life I look forward to life's adventures. I take time for myself and believe in myself again. I believe God does care for me and I believe it with all my heart." ~R.G., Milan, MI
"When someone used to say something hurtful to me I'd feel like crawling under a rock. Lorri helped me to see that what they were saying was coming from their fear and ego, not mine. Now instead of getting all upset, I can see they're not deliberately saying these things to hurt me. I'm able to tolerate my mother-in-law much better now." ~L.P., Tucson, AZ
"My first session with Lorri I sobbed the entire time because my husband had just asked for a divorce. Now my relationship life is fabulous! I just got remarried on the beach in Florida, God's cathedral! Lorri and her work made all this possible. She helped me figure out that God loves me, I would love again, and I am loveable. The last one was, without a doubt, the hardest to figure out. Thank you, Lorri, for your excellent skills." ~C.D., Canton, MI
If your Inner Voice is guiding you to contact Lorri, click here.
Keep following that Inner Voice--it has all your answers. For further information on following your Inner Voice, see Chapter Seven of Breaking Free: How Forgiveness and A Course in Miracles Can Set You Free. You can preview this chapter here.